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Reiki for high blood pressure

Will Reiki Help to Treat Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)?

Monday 3 July, 2023

How Can Reiki Help to Treat High Blood Pressure and Stress?

Hypertension, more commonly referred to as high blood pressure, can be a dangerous medical condition if left untreated. It affects millions of people around the world, and can be lowered using a combination of approaches, including Reiki.

It is estimated that around 1.28 billion adults aged 30-79 worldwide have high blood pressure. Over the years, there have been a wide range of treatments available to treat the symptoms of hypertension. These treatments include pharmaceutical medicines, changing the diet, and increasing the amount and type of exercise that the patient does each week.

However, many people have found that they can improve their outcomes by including regular Reiki treatments in their treatment regime.

How to Spot the Symptoms of High Blood Pressure

Hypertension occurs when the blood flow is too high, which exerts pressure on the walls of the blood vessels. This can damage the blood vessels over time.

The symptoms of high blood pressure can include:

  • Headaches
  • Nosebleeds
  • Shortness of breath
  • Blurred vision

Some people may not experience any symptoms until their blood pressure reaches a much more serious level. If someone's blood pressure reaches a very high level or stays untreated over time, it is possible that more serious complications may result.

These more serious complications can include:

  • Memory problems
  • Heart failure
  • Heart attack
  • Stroke
  • Aneurysm

High blood pressure is normally treated with pharmaceutical medications, such as diuretics or beta-blockers. However, many sufferers also need to make additional lifestyle changes, including:

  • Reducing sodium intake
  • Maintaining a healthy weight
  • Regular exercise
  • Avoiding stressful situations

Can Reiki Help High Blood Pressure?

Regular Reiki sessions can help to create a wide range of beneficial effects for those suffering with high blood pressure. These include:

  • Reiki can produce a sense of relaxation. It is well known that being stressed, anxious, or nervous can lead to higher blood pressure. Reiki sessions are ideal for helping people to relax, which can indirectly help to bring down their blood pressure.
  • Reiki can help with sleep. Poor sleeping habits have been linked to high blood pressure. Reiki can support and help to improve sleep habits. It is also possible to enhance the quality of sleep, as a direct result of the relaxation that Reiki can produce. The Reiki sessions can support stress reduction, which can contribute to the lowering of blood pressure.
  • Reiki can help reduce pain. If someone is suffering with physical pain, it can lead to them feeling stressed. This heightened stress level can then result in raised blood pressure. Reiki sessions can help to lower the experience of pain, which in turn helps to reduce blood pressure increases that were associated with that pain.
  • Reiki can help improve mood. Reiki treatments have also been known to help improve a patient's mood and support the improvement of some symptoms of depression. Reiki can help people with hypertension feel better about themselves in general. By improving their mood, it is likely that they will be more likely to make lifestyle changes and follow their doctor's recommendations for the management of high blood pressure.
  • Reiki can help with important lifestyle changes. Reiki treatments can help with important lifestyle changes that are essential in combating high blood pressure. Mood changes and stress can also be a side effect of diet changes. Reiki can help balance the body's energy to help with lifestyle changes.

The busy modern lifestyle can often lead to high blood pressure. If any of the issues contained within this article sound familiar to how you, a friend, or family member are feeling, then please get in touch.

Reiki treatments can help you face a busy lifestyle and help keep your blood pressure in check.

Do you suffer from high blood pressure?

Call Georgiana on 07831 346607 or use the Contact Form to get in touch and discuss how Reiki and Energy Healing can help reduce High Blood Pressure.

Further reading on the effects of Reiki to help lower High Blood Pressure.

Book your healing session

Please send a note about your condition and the treatment your are considering. I will be in touch to talk about how I can help.

Newbury Sessions: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday

London Sessions: Thursday (from 4th July)


Georgiana has an amazing gift. A reiki session with her will leave you feeling completely rebalanced as she treats you on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. She is incredibly professional and you walk away from a treatment feeling relaxed, energised and incredibly peaceful.

Penny, London

Reiki is a wonderfully relaxing experience in itself, but the benefits are both extraordinary and long lasting. The treatment released blockages in my body, leaving me feeling a tremendous sense of well-being, as well as lighter and freer. I couldn’t recommend Georgiana more highly - she has a real gift in those healing hands.

Gerry, London

Georgiana has supported me in my journey recovering from major surgery due to cancer. She has been the trigger in restoring my mind and body through her channelling of energy, giving me a great sense of peace, restoring my life force. Again I can face the world. Thank you.

Marilyn, London

I tried Reiki because I have trouble sleeping and calming my mind down. I found to my astonishment that it released quite a bit of stress and really calmed me down, thereby giving me a good night’s sleep. When I visit Georgiana she explained the treatment would help clear any negative energy or negative thoughts one might have and can help heal emotional pain too. This worked for me and my stress levels have significantly reduced with regular sessions.

Kate, London